First Norwegian wedding


A short break away from the van and daily life this weekend to celebrate a friend's wedding in Norway.
It was my first time in Norway (Tom) and the people and culture are as friendly and welcoming as I'd been led to believe. Oslo is a wonderful city and easy to walk around, although remember to bring a coat and not be led into thinking you can leave it in the hotel because the sun is out. 🤦

The wedding was stunning, of course we didnt understand much as our Norwegian is practically non-existant, but of course most people spoke better english in conversation than we probably did! Then we learned that there are some great and wild traditions at Norwegian weddings. I won't talk much about them here but I reccomend attending one at some point. It's great fun and shall be an event we won't soon forget. Oh and I was finally introduced to Smash... Chocolate covered bugles...

Another thing I knew about but wasn't really prepared for was how light it stays all day this time of year. 10pm in Oslo the day before and it was lighter than the UK gets some days in winter! And when the wedding party is still going on at 1pm but you don't realise because it never got dark... thats also an interesting experience.

Wedding aside, we've also seen some questionable art, enjoyed some of Oslo's bars and shops and visited some facinating museums. Today we have dropped our bags at the station lockers and are visiting the maritime museum as its a bit rainy outside to do much else before ourt late flight back to the UK.